Turbocharge and optimize your vendor software selection decision and ROI.

What's really behind a prospective vendor's door?

Optimize Your Vendor Software Decision

RFPs have been used for decades to select software and vendors. It's time to change. Technology and Capability Thinking® enables new, more efficient, and effective ways to evaluate and select vendors and realize more significant ROI on vendor partner decisions.

RFPs historically were used to gather information from a vendor. Decades ago, the Internet didn't exist, and vendors closely guarded their customer lists. There were only so many options for gathering vendor information to make an informed decision.

The Internet and AI provide extensive information on vendor marketplaces and products. The decisionmaker's dilemma has shifted from no information source, except the vendor, to information overload and clutter.

Use one of two vendor evaluation and selection approaches:

Learn more about the vendor evaluation and selection process -- Goals, gaffes to avoid, and other considerations.

Not Ready for Capability Thinking® and JITDE™?

Use an enhanced RFP approach to make a better vendor selection decision.