Modern-day Internet, AI, and social networks provide extensive knowledge of vendors and their solutions and customers.
Advanced searches using modern web browsers and sharing cooperative knowledge with vendor customers will provide you with a more thorough and accurate understanding than what you will receive in an RFP response. They require less time, are more efficient, and result in better decisions.
Vendors save time and money as well, which they can reinvest in their customer relationships, people, and products.
A partnering approach that leverages ongoing capability team research and networking activities is heavy on interactive dialogue and is lighter on paper and intermediaries to accelerate and optimize your vendor decision.
The JITDE™ approach, aka Brief-based approach, emphasizes early in-depth needs, vendor and peer organization diligence, and a strong focus on vital versus many trivial needs.
The comprehensive diligence results in two or three of the most viable vendor candidates receiving an RFP or Brief (abbreviated RFP.)
An accelerated evaluation and selection process leveraging intensive 3-day, onsite vendor summits results in a final vendor recommendation.
Capability Thinking® is a differentiating organizational approach to increase performance and value. From a vendor selection perspective, it empowers business capability teams to accelerate decisions and solution speed to market, minimizing or eliminating wasteful and time-consuming RF activities such as: